The time has come again for Region Three to journey down to Houston for our biennial visit to the Space Center. This time we are in for a special treat since the Shuttle Galileo for the Original Series is now on display there.
1. Main event: Space Center Houston
Date: Saturday, September 21st, 2013
Time: Assembly at 9:30am at Main Entrance (Doors open at 10am)
Address: 1601 Nasa Parkway, Houston TX 77058
Tickets: Group rate is $12.95 per person. – This rate is for minimum of 15 people or more, so let me know your ship is coming and how many people by September 10th, that way I can make proper reservations. We will pay for these there that morning. (Regular tickets are $17.95, if we dont get more then the minimum 15.)
2. Lodging: Quality Inn & Suites Yacht Club Basin
Address: 2720 Nasa Parkway, Seabrook, TX 77586 (3.7 miles from Space Center)
Rates: $94.05 a night (Using the Starfleet – Choice Hotels discount code)
Additional Choice Hotels are located nearby should the selected hotel fill up. You can also do “advance purchase” with a bit less cost, but you can’t cancel.
3. There is an outdoor pool at the selected hotel for those that wish to just relax and enjoy themselves after a day at the Space Center. Several members mentioned to me about previous pool parties held after the tour in years past.
4. The USS Zavala will be holding their 2nd Anniversary Dinner that Saturday evening, and FCPT McFadin has extended an open invitation to members of the Region that are in town. I am more then sure we will be hearing more details about this as we get closer to the date.
5. Some members have approached me with the possibility of an impromtu trip to the tour the Battleship Texas, for those that hang around Sunday morning.
Come on out and lets have some fun together!!!!
CAPT Brian Landry
Chief of Operations, Region 3, SFI
ops @