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MSR’s Due for Each Chapter @
MSR’s Due for Each Chapter @
Jul 1 all-day
Go the sfi database and enter them.
S.S. Maverick’s Anniversary
S.S. Maverick’s Anniversary
Jul 2 all-day
This Region 3 Chapter first commissioned July 2, 2005.
MSR’s Now LATE @
MSR’s Now LATE @
Jul 6 all-day
MSR’s are due on the first of the month. If not in by the 5th, they are “late.” After the 10th, they are…
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7:00 pm Z3–USS Joan of Arc Monthly Meeting
Z3–USS Joan of Arc Monthly Meeting
Jul 6 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
For more information: or email the CO of the Joan of Arc at This event has a Google Hangouts video call.…