MSR’s are due on the first of the month. If not in by the 5th, they are “late.” After the 10th, they are considered “failure to report” and may not be entered into the system unless approval by the MSR person and your RC.
Getting together to discuss the Regional Awards Program
The Zone Leaders and the RC will get together to discuss all things Zone.
Hi everyone!
I hope everyone’s getting through the winter OK, and no one gets the nasty
stomach plague I picked up at the office last week. Despite spending a few
days in Sickbay, production for CQ #163 is on-track. Thanks to everyone who
The deadline for CQ #164, the April/May issue, will be February 25. Why so
early? Well, I’m hoping to get the issue finished and uploaded to the
DB/sent to the printer by April 1. This will begin to get the delivery of
the issues more in-line with the cover dates.
Of course, none of that would be possible without my fabulous staff… copy
editors James Cecil (USS Commonwealth, R1), Mary Kane (USS Hornet, R1),
Maureen Wilkinson (USS Corsair, R3), Gary Hollifield (USS Jaresh-Inyo), and
of course, my boss PJ Trotter.
Also big thanks to Jon Lane for continuing to deliver the last bits and
pieces I don’t discover I need until I start laying out a page.
Want to help out with CQ production? I’m always looking for copy editors,
and I could use someone with Photoshop experience to take on formatting
photos for me. If you’re interested, shoot me an email with your relevant
experience (Fleet, professional, or otherwise). Be willing to work to hard
deadlines, especially on a quick turn-around.
And remember… the deadline for CQ #164 is February 25! Upcoming dates
should be the 25th of the even months, but they’ll always be posted on and in the issues of the CQ. And you’ll want to surf over to before submitting to check out the new submission guidelines!
(Which should all be posted by the end of the week.)
Please submit ALL articles/photos/etc to You should receive an
automatic receipt letting you know that we’ve received your article.
Questions, comments, and other correspondence for me should be sent to or
FCPT Karen Mitchell Carothers
CQ Editor-in-Chief
CO, USS Richthofen, R7 or
1-888-SFI-TREK, ext 3
IRC on the server, channel #USSNavras
Please send in your chapter’s article, staff articles, art, poems, stories, event happenings, etc. to your Regional CommO Geek Mark West.
Go the sfi database and enter them.