Celebrate the 6th Anniversary of the USS Diamondback
This chapter commissioned Oct. 22, 2011.
The chapter now meets on the 4th Sunday of the Month; and may be moved to another Saturday or Sunday in months with Regional or Fleet conflicts; the location may change from time to time. http://arkangelstation.com/
Go the sfi database and enter them.
Zone 4 of R3 of SFI:
We’re having a game day to support the Region’s charity, the Children’s Miracle Network of Hospitals through their ExtraLife program. Come play some games. Socialize with other Z4 members. Help raise money and donate your own for a great cause.
RSVP here.
Chat with CAO Steve Sardeson for more info.
Would you like to play games and help out the Children’s Miracle Network? The USS Diamondback is sponsoring a fun day of card and board games to help raise money for this charity.
For more information:
or email the CO of the Joan of Arc at joanofarc@region3.org
This event has a Google Hangouts video call.
Join: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/calendar/NjFzMjNqdmhzNmE0MmpmM3NsdWlqMm50aWNAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ.iatgpd0krq8bdugbjgnrmemrho?hs=121
MSR’s are due on the first of the month. If not in by the 5th, they are “late.” After the 10th, they are considered “failure to report” and may not be entered into the system unless approval by the MSR person and your RC.
MSR’s are due on the first of the month. If not in by the 5th, they are “late.” After the 10th, they are considered “failure to report” and may not be entered into the system unless approval by the MSR person and your RC.