IRC on the server, channel #USSNavras
Please send in your chapter’s article, staff articles, art, poems, stories, event happenings, etc. to your Regional CommO Geek Mark West.
Go the sfi database and enter them.
MSR’s are due on the first of the month. If not in by the 5th, they are “late.” After the 10th, they are considered “failure to report” and may not be entered into the system unless approval by the MSR person and your RC.
MSR’s are due on the first of the month. If not in by the 5th, they are “late.” After the 10th, they are considered “failure to report” and may not be entered into the system unless approval by the MSR person and your RC.
for more details.
The RC is planning on making this trip. Join her.
The Zone Leaders and the RC will get together to discuss all things Zone. We may ask ShOC as well.
CoS and VRC are optional, but welcome, too.
Set your own reminders, people.
ConCall of the Region 3 Staff.
All Staff are invited to chit chat about all that’s going on, especially awards and upcoming Summit.
This Chapter first commissioned March 25, 1995.