Short little call on Skype
The Zone Leaders and the RC will get together to discuss all things Zone just before Retreat.
Mandatory for all CO’s & XO’s of Region 3 Chapters, plus all Regional Staff.
All Members are welcome, especially if they have the proxy for the chapter if CO unable to make it.
Same information as Summit 2011
After an informative and productive afternoon of hard work, join the USS Lone Star in celebrating our 15th anniversary, it will feature a plated dinner featuring a choice of sirloin steak or chicken with chipotle cream sauce. Cost for the meal is $25.00. Dress will be dress uniforms. If you don’t have a dress uniform, gentlemen can wear a suit and tie and ladies can wear a nice party dress or formal. If you need suggestions or ideas on where to locate some of these items, feel free to contact me privately.
To register for these events. the registration form will be on the Region web site.
Go the sfi database and enter them.
MSR’s are due on the first of the month. If not in by the 5th, they are “late.” After the 10th, they are considered “failure to report” and may not be entered into the system unless approval by the MSR person and your RC.
This chapter first commissioned February 7, 2004.
To discuss the website and email lists and all things computer operations.