Send your submissions to the fleetchannels @ email. Send pictures to comms @ though because attachments will not be accepted on the fc list.
To see the Fleet Channels Archives, visit our website at:
MSR’s are due on the first of the month. If not in by the 5th, they are “late.” After the 10th, they are considered “failure to report” and may not be entered into the system unless approval by the MSR person and your RC.
MSR’s are due on the first of the month. If not in by the 5th, they are “late.” After the 10th, they are considered “failure to report” and may not be entered into the system unless approval by the MSR person and your RC.
MSR’s are due on the first of the month. If not in by the 5th, they are “late.” After the 10th, they are considered “failure to report” and may not be entered into the system unless approval by the MSR person and your RC.
Send submissions to, as always.
Submission guidelines can be found at I’d really love to see lots of
articles about chapter holiday parties, cool photos of klingon Santas,
and if anyone’s gotten that new Enterprise pizza cutter from
ThinkGeek, I want a review!
MSR’s are due on the first of the month. If not in by the 5th, they are “late.” After the 10th, they are considered “failure to report” and may not be entered into the system unless approval by the MSR person and your RC.
The RC and the CoS will be interviewing candidates for Awards for the Region.
Short little call on Skype