Once Fleet’s CPA announces the election results for Commander Starfleet and Vice Commander Starfleet, the information will be relayed to the Region 3 General Discussion list.
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Communications is the information hub of STARFLEET. Its main task is publishing the Communiqué, STARFLEET’s bimonthly official publication. Submissions to the Communiqué come from STARFLEET members, and can be sent to cq @ sfi.org.
Go the sfi database and enter them.
Send your submissions to the fleetchannels @ region3.org email. Send pictures to comms @ region3.org though because attachments will not be accepted on the fc list.
To see the Fleet Channels Archives, visit our website at:
MSR’s are due on the first of the month. If not in by the 5th, they are “late.” After the 10th, they are considered “failure to report” and may not be entered into the system unless approval by the MSR person and your RC.
MSR’s are due on the first of the month. If not in by the 5th, they are “late.” After the 10th, they are considered “failure to report” and may not be entered into the system unless approval by the MSR person and your RC.