USS Tejas’s 20th Anniversary & Holiday Party

December 14, 2013 @ 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Family Life Center of Calvary Baptist Church
2101 Yucca Lane, Vernon

The USS Tejas will be gathering for it’s annual Christmas Party and this
year is special too because we will be celebrating our 20th year as a ship
in Region Three, Starfleet! The date is Saturday, December 14th at 5:00
PM. Please join us in the Family Life Center of Calvary Baptist Church,
2101 Yucca Lane, Vernon, TX. The meal is pot luck. Bring a small gift for
a gift exchange. The Tejas usually has a trivia game or other activity for
entertainment. It is always a lot of fun and we look forward to your
joining us as we celebrate.